Thursday, October 27, 2016

One Piece Chapter 844: Luffy vs Sanji Review

Synopsis: Sanji walks towards Luffy, intent to make him leave Totland, while his family, the Germa 66, and Nami are observing on the background. He continues to say mean things, and Luffy listens carefully. He starts using Diable Jambe, flies towards Luffy,and kicks him to the face, sending him flying by a bit until Luffy breaks the momentum still standing. Luffy lose a front tooth. Sanji calls out Luffy on why he isn't fighting back, and Luffy answers because it is him he's fighting. Luffy continues to get punished by kicks from Sanji. Nami tries to protest, but Luffy stops her saying it is a duel. Sanji continues his barrage of kicks, connecting with an overhead drop-kick, causing Luffy to finally faint. Sanji walks away as Nami comes running towards him, slaps him strongly, and gives him her farewell. Coming back to the Cat-cart, Sanji receives commendation from Jajji on finally severing his pirate ties. As the Germa wagons are leaving, Luffy regains consciousness, shouts to Sanji that he's still their cook, he'll not eat until he returns, and he has to come back or he won't become the Pirate King. As he listens to that, Sanji's tears are falling.

Reactions: Dramatic moments that involves crewmates are really on a different level. Since after timeskip, we've been given sad scenes which are memorable: Otohime, Fisher Tiger, and Koala from Fishman Island, the kids of Punk Hazard, and Law, Rebecca and Kyros on Dressrosa. But none of them left that lasting impression. The type you felt when Robin returns and Going Merry finally laid to rest, for example. Those were really awful good moments. Now, it's Sanji's turn.

I kinda hate Sanji during this chapter though. All of his actions are questionable and probably pointless. His family knows that all of that is just a ruse. He has been telling them off during the breakfast on how they represent everything he hates. In their eyes, he probably looks like an idiot out there trying to prove something. And now he says hurtful things and even beat the guy that goes the length and dangers just to meet him. Talk about ungrateful. Why alienate yourself to your real friends? And nobody coerced him to that. He just did that "show" on his own volition. He deserves more than just Nami's slap just for being really stupid. On the account that he beat Luffy who didn't fight back nor protect himself (even with just armament haki), he deserves much more.

I know he's just protecting Zeff and his hands, but it is still ridiculous. Why can't he be honest? Tell his friends about Zeff and the exploding bracelet, say that he can't be with them right now but he want to, and assure them that he's fixing things. His crew might even be able to help in some ways. But his choice is to hurt and drive them away. He's totally given into despair. Words to peeps: Don't be like Sanji and keep everything to yourself. Seek friends/families when desperate.

Luffy is always awesome though. He shows that he listens and considers, even lies. But yeah, we all know he doesn't have good record with critical thinking. But even if he can't understand Sanji and why he's doing this, he still clings to faith on what he knows. That is, Sanji really wanted to be with them. He can even sense Sanji's emotions through his kicks (observation haki?). And on that epic speech in the end, can't contain my emotions as well.

Minor details put by Oda that are noticeable in this chapter are: (1) Ichiji's "not amused" look. Perhaps, he isn't so keen on sharing fire abilities with Sanji (speculated through his epithet of Sparking Red), which he acquired from birth and the later acquired through training. (2) Germa's Cat-cart is followed by a smaller wagon driven by a giant mouse. (3) Base-luffy can resist fire from Diable Jambe. (4) The frowning and smiling hills watching the fight.

Predictions: Because they didn't get the chance to share details, Sanji is on the dark about Luffy and Nami beating Cracker. His stubbornness might backfire later. Soon, Big Mom will learn about his son's defeat and Nami's possession of her Vivre Card. This will be terrible situation for Big Mom since Nami could use that to manipulate the Homies into hiding them from her indefinitely. It will be funny if Big Mom resorts to sending down Zeus and Prometheus (which are her sun and cloud Homies) before knowing that fact only to be stolen away by Nami. In the end, Sanji will become a hostage of Big Mom to root out the SH in her island... Or Sanji can totally be moved from that speech of Luffy and immediately comes back to them begging forgiveness next chapter.

Rating: 9/10. A short chapter but features great dramatic moments that we old One Piece readers really love. It can be said that many elements have been a repeat of Water 7 or Ennies Lobby, even Arlong Park, but I like to treat those as callbacks to the past and is an integral part of what makes the series great.

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